Friday, September 27, 2013

Texto Procesal/ Procedural texts

Los alumnos estuvieron investigando y observando diferentes textos procesales.  Como tarea se les pidió que pensaran en un texto procesal que ellos pudieran crear. También se pidió traer ejemplos de textos procesales de la casa. Unos ejemplos serían recetas, instrucciones de un juego, o un experimento. Gracias por su ayuda con esto.  

Today we investigated and observed several types of procedural texts.  As homework, I asked the students to think of something they would like create a procedural text about. I also asked them to bring in examples of procedural texts from home. This can include recipes,  instructions to a game, and experiments. Thanks for your help with this.  

Saturday, September 21, 2013

How Many More with Bilingual Buddies

This week we have been working with our buddies on math problems. Students counted the cubes in a bag and decided if there was enough cubes in the bag for the class. Their next questions were: Are there left overs? How many are left over? The idea of "how many more" is a confusing idea that we will work on all year long. You can help your child by using those words and having them experience that concept in every day life. For example: We have 5 apples and 3 oranges in the refrigerator. How many more apples than oranges are in the refrigerator?

Spaghetti Challenge

One team conquered the spaghetti challenge. They improved their structure to include a base that kept it stable. We all learned a lot from the design of their structure. Congratulations to Alexis, Gracie, Heidi, Jair and Jenna on their great teamwork and improved design.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Libros para nuestro salón / Books for our classroom

Having Spanish books at various levels is essential for the reading development of our students.  Please visit our site to see what we need to help the students in our classroom.  

Tener varios libros en varios niveles es muy importante para el desarrollo de lectura.  Favor de visitar nuestro sitio de para ver lo que necesitamos para ayudar los alumnos en nuestro salón.  

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Spaghetti Design Challenge

Today's design challenge involved 20 pieces of spaghetti,  3 feet of tape and a marshmallow. Teams were challenged to build the tallest tower possible using these materials. Here are some pictures of the teams collaborating and working together. Try it at home! Email any pictures you take so we can share them with the class.

What is Fiction Text?

In English Language Arts today, we began a unit of study on fiction text.  Our scholars learned that fiction text is a story made up by the author and it is NOT TRUE.  They each drew their own fictional character to add to our anchor chart. As your child is reading at night, ask them if their text is fiction or non-fiction.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Learning to Work Together

This week we have explored job roles and descriptions that we will use throughout our STEM journey. Our most recent design challenge was to use 20 cups to make the tallest tower possible. Ask your child about their job.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Reto de diseño

Los alumnos tuvieron la oportunidad de trabajar como equipo y asignar trabajos a cada miembro. Cada miembro leyó las expectativas de su trabajo y cumplió con ellas. Juntos trabajaron a construir un  torre usando 20 vasos de plástico. La meta era tener la más alta.