Friday, August 30, 2013

Bilingual Alphabet

Today we used the app Pic Collage to create our bilingual alphabet. Check back here soon to see the entire alphabet we created.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Reto de diseño

Los alumnos participaron en un reto de diseño donde tuvieron que construir una rampa donde una canica pudiera viajar por un largo tiempo sin caerse. El reto de diseño les dio la oportunidad de trabajar como equipo y aprender sobre ser buen compañero.  Los alumnos se divirtieron y aprendieron mucho.   

Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day Excitement!

What a great first day we had today. We used our iPads to take a picture and use it as our background. In math we also did a "Today's Meet" where we shared some of our favorite things about math.  Ask your child about their day...we would love to see your comments!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back to School !

Mrs. Marin and Mrs. Hall are so excited about all of the things we have planned this year for our classes.  We can't wait for our year to get started.

Check back here often to see what’s happening in our
2nd grade Dual Language classrooms.